ActiveHome USB Interface Unknown or Not Recognized

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When I connect my USB ActiveHome Interface (CM15A), Windows tells me it has found an Unknown Device. I have the driver installed; how do I fix this? Note: even after performing the steps below this has to be done over again the next day. What is the cause of this problem?


If Windows tells you it has found an unknown device when you plug in the CM15A ActiveHome Pro Interface, please follow these steps:

  • Disconnect the USB cable from the interface (CM15A).
  • Unplug the interface from its electrical outlet.
  • Remove the batteries from the interface.
  • Reconnect the USB cable to it.
  • Plug it back into an electrical outlet.
  • Replace its batteries.

After this, Windows should correctly detect the interface. If Windows does not detect it, please try using a different USB A-B cable; most USB printers use the same cable. You can also try reinstalling ActiveHome Pro.

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