IP Camera - Remote Viewing for SD

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How can I view my IP camera over the Internet?


Please follow these instructions to connect to the AirSight SD over the Internet. First, you will need to enter your external IP address - visit http://www.whatismyip.com/ on a PC on the same WiFi or Ethernet network as the camera. An example might be . You will also need to make sure that port forwarding is enabled on the Media Port and Web Port in Basic Network Settings, from your external IP address to the camera`s internal IP address.

Next, go to http://www.canyouseeme.org/ and run the test on that page. Enter the IP camera port in the "Specific Port" field and click "Check Port". If you get results of "Error: I could not see your service on <YOURIPADDRESS> on port <YOURPORT>", then you will need to set up port forwarding.

Setting a Fixed IP Address

We recommend that you set a fixed IP address for your camera before you set up port forwarding.

Port Forwarding

If you get that result, you will need to make sure that port forwarding is enabled on that port, from your external IP address to the camera`s internal IP address. For information about port forwarding go to http://portforward.com and look at their FREE guides. At that site, click on Router List, then your router`s model name and number, then click Skip Advertisement. On the next page, scroll down until you find the link to load the Default Guide for your router and follow its instructions. To test the cameras, enter the IP address and port into your web browser in the correct format-an example might be if the external IP was and the port you selected was 8001.

Once you have set that up and can access the camera by entering the IP address and Web Port into a web browser. An example might be if the external IP was and the port you selected was 8001. Next, you can check Device Info and look in DDNS Status for the DDNS address.

If you cannot connect after following these instructions, please write down all of this information before you contact technical support:

  • Your external IP address
  • The internal IP address of your camera
  • The make and model number of your router
  • The Media Port and Web Port you selected
  • The details of any port forwarding rules you have set up for your cameras

If you've followed the steps in the Owner's Manual and are still having difficulty understanding such things as "Port Forwarding" etc., you might find this site useful:


Click here to see a port forwarding guide!