Uninstalling AirPad Apps and my AirPadXL

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How do I uninstall Apps from my AirPadXL?


  1. On your Home screen, touch the Menu icon P Menu icon.png in the upper right corner of the screen, or the hard key to the right of the screen.
  2. Touch Manage Apps (at the bottom of the screen).
    XL Manage apps.png
  3. Scroll to and then touch the application you wish to uninstall. Here, we demonstrate the uninstallation of Netflix.
  4. Touch Uninstall.
    XL Uninstall 1.png
  5. Touch OK.
    XL Uninstall 2.png
  6. When you see Uninstall Finished, touch OK.
  7. Touch the Home icon P Home icon.png or the hard key to the right of the screen to exit back to your Home screen.