Creating A Timer

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How do I create a timer?


Scheduling events for specific times and dates is one of the most powerful features in ActiveHome Pro. Each module or Macro in your system can have multiple timers for different times of day, days of the week, and dates during the year. You can schedule events around sunrise and sunset, and even make it so that your events don’t happen at the exact same times each day.

Opening the Timer Designer

You create timers for your modules in the Timer Designer pane. To open the Timer Designer, you can click on the clock face icon on a module in the Room View. You can also access the Timer Designer using the Timers section of the Tree Pane.


Creating a New Timer

When the Timer Designer first opens, you’ll need to create a timer. Click the New button to add a timer to the list. This will open up the timer controls, and add a new line describing the timer to the text list.

Setting Up Timers

There are a number of options in the Timer Designer, but you only have to use the ones you need.

On and Off Times

When you first create a timer, the On Time will be set to the current time, and the off time will be set to 30 minutes later. Use the arrows to select a new time (in 5 minute increments), or type the new time in directly. A timer doesn’t have to have both an On and an Off time. You can make a timer to only turn something on by unchecking the box next to the Off Time. Likewise, you can uncheck the “On Time” box and only use the timer to turn a light off.

Active Dates

ActiveHome Pro timers are active throughout the year by default, but you can set your timers to operate only between certain dates. Use the arrows to scroll through dates, or type the month and day in directly.

Special Options

When you create a timer, you have three options for how it runs, listed under Advanced Layout:

  1. Security tells ActiveHome Pro to randomly adjust the timer so that it runs up to 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after the scheduled time. Use this setting to make your automatic lights look more natural when you’re away from home, so that they deter criminals.
  2. Store in Interface will make ActiveHome Pro save the timer’s schedule in the ActiveHome Pro Interface memory, so that it runs even when your computer is turned off. This option is selected by default.
  3. Repeat indicates to ActiveHome Pro that the command for this timer should be sent multiple times when it runs. Use this option if you know that sometimes X10 command signals don’t get through to your modules.

Dusk and Dawn

ActiveHome Pro contains information about the rising and setting of the sun all over the world. You can use that information to set lights that automatically adjust to later sunset times in the summer, and shorter days in the winter.

In order to use Dusk and Dawn settings you should set your city or latitude and longitude information in the Configuration menu.

You can choose to use both Dusk and Dawn settings, or just one, but you can only have one On command active at a time. When you use a Dusk or Dawn setting, you don’t have to use the exact time; you can enter a time into the box, and then choose to have your timer happen before or after Dusk or Dawn.

The two “Make Active...” buttons are a quick way to have a module only on during the day or night. A light that’s active during the day will turn on at Dawn and turn off at Dusk. One that’s active at night will do the opposite.

When you use Dusk and Dawn times and store your timers in the ActiveHome Pro interface, you can end up using a lot of space. If you don’t have too many modules, it won’t be a problem. If you use a lot of timers or have a lot of modules in your home, it may be helpful to group your Dusk and Dawn activities in a Macro, and then schedule the Macro at the appropriate time.

Important Note

Run the Tools-Download Timers and Macros command after adjusting timers and macros. If you have set any timers to store in the interface, those timers will run even if the CM15A is disconnected from the PC. To see if a timer is set to store in the interface, click on View Advanced Layout.

Related pages

Advanced Layout and Repeat