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AK13A / AK15A: iParty Extender for iPod Mini / iPod Nano


iParty is a wireless transmitter for your iPod Mini or Nano.


If the iParty does not work please try the following:

  1. Unplug the iParty receiver from your sound system, then unplug the iPod from the iParty transmitter. Use an RCA 1/8th inch to stereo cable to connect the iPod directly to your sound system, hooking up to the exact same port where the iParty receiver was just plugged in. If you do not hear noise, then your iPod or sound system are not configured correctly.
  2. Make sure both units are turned on.
  3. Make sure they're on the same channel. First try both of them on A, then both on B. Bring the iPod close to the iParty receiver.
  4. Make sure the battery is good- swap it for the charged-up one in the receiver.