Solving Registration Problems

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I enter my order number to register the program, but it doesn't work. What do I do?

Why can't I register my software?

When I try to register I get the message "Max reg reached." Help!

The program is telling me "Cannot retrieve registration from server" when I try to register.

I keep getting the error "Did not find registration code" when I try to register.


First and foremost make sure you are connected to the internet before attempting to register your software.

You must have to have internet connection in order to download, register, and install updates for your X10 software.

If your software locks up when you try to register, you should reboot, disable any antivirus or anti-spyware software, and try to register again.

In the registration screen, you need to enter your product registration code. For almost all users, this will be your order number or invoice number with a "-1" added to the end of it. Make sure you enter the whole order number including extensions, if any, like "-AB123"; then the "-1" (345678-AB123-1, for example). The registration code is case sensitive; you must type all caps (345678-ab123-1 would not work.) Also, make sure you are using the order number or invoice number connected to your software purchase. If you receive the registration code via email, please type it into the registration screen; sometimes copy/paste does not work.

A00052 01.gif

If you are entering the correct registration code and getting an error message, follow the steps below that match the error message:

  • Did not find registration code: The code you entered is not correct, or is the wrong code for the product you are trying to register. Check your order information or the registration e-mail you received to verify the code and try again.
  • Max Registration Reached: You have reached the limit of registration attempts allowed. Please email technical support at to request that the data be reset.
  • Could not retrieve registration from server: The registration process was not able to receive the registration data from the server. Disable your anti-virus and firewall software and try the registration process again.

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